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napoleon bonarat
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Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2007 10:22 pm

Post by napoleon bonarat »

On the other paw, the dueling games were made up in the first place to let people settle their differences that way rather than bar room brawling in the Inn! Of course, I'm a piRATe so I just like to play and fight and break things wherever I can. Then have some cookies when we're all done.

Sabastian, I think the cranky Grazianos are just gonna do the opposite of what you want, so why let them get to you?

Unless... your plan is to NEVER fight them, then your plan is working!

My plan to recruit all their stadium rats to Badside is going great! You can help me with that, if you want.
Napoleon Bonarat
PiRATes From Heck
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Sebastian GoldRaven
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Post by Sebastian GoldRaven »

at least I could count upon Mister Drasnia to provide a challenging and entertaining fight

I should probably thank you as fighting him likely proved to be a more satisfying experience than fighting either of you
Sebastian GoldRaven
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Sebastian GoldRaven
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Post by Sebastian GoldRaven »

given the result of her fight against Matthew Simon I have a second reason to be glad that I fought Mister Drasnia instead
Sebastian GoldRaven

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