Guides & Referencess

Dueling Zone Utilities & Calling Tools

Duel Orbiter

Link to DUEL Joker's post about Duel Orbiter tool.

Link to download the Duel Orbiter tool in development by DUEL Joker.

Added 7/11/2017

Duel Magistrate

Link to the Duel Magistrate tool developed by Kalamere. Note: this tool is web-based.

Added 7/11/2017


Round Checkers

Reference table of two-letter codes used by the Round Checkers

Duel of SwordsDuel of FistsDuel of Magic
TH - Thrust
LC - Low Cut
HC - High Cut
SL - Slash
SH - Stop Hit
CP - Circular Parry
LP - Lateral Parry
SS - Sidestep
DU - Duck
DI - Disengage
JB - Jab
CH - Chop
HK - Hook
UC - Uppercut
FL - Flip
JK - Jumpkick
SK - Snapkick
LS - Legsweep
SP - Spinkick
AB - Armblock
LB - Legblock
DO - Dodge
DU - Duck
LP - Leap
MB - Magebolt
MW - Mind Whip
WB - Wizard Blades
FT - Fear Touch
FF - Foul Fog
AR - Armor
SH - Shield
DS - Displacement
MS - Meteor Shower
AB - Arctic Blast
RF - Reflection
GF - Ghostform
IM - Immolation
NR - Nether Ray
EF - Elemental Fury